The Internal Vice President is one of the five executive officers within Associated Students. In the IVP Office, we work on ensuring that your student fees are spent correctly and that Associated Students is more transparent and united. Please feel free to contact the office of the Internal Vice President if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to help!
The IVP office is “Your voice on all Internal Affairs.”
To ensure your voices are being heard, we represent students on the following committees:
Student Fee Advisory Committee
The committee oversees fees that may be solely paid by Undergraduates or Graduates and in some cases by both. These fees go towards different departments or services offered to the UCSB population.
Campus Elections Committee
The commission is a neutral, impartial body who makes recommendations to the Chancellor on all issues related to campus-wide elections. This includes (but is not limited to) ballot wording, election timing, election operation, policies, practices, and violations. The commission also educates voters about the scope, financial implications, pros and cons of each ballot measure being placed before the electorate, and assures that campus-wide elections are conducted in a fair and efficient manner.
Senate Activities